Varieties: Adams, Green, Avignon, Black Mission, Deanna, Evita, Cape Brown, Kadota, King, Parisian, Southern Black, Tangiers, Toulosse, Violet Firaz and White Genoa.
Fruit: Figs are unique fruits with a pear or bulbous shape. They are often bell-shaped, but the exact shape can vary depending on the variety. Fig fruits are sweet, with a unique flavor profile. They can have honey-like, fruity, or nutty undertones, and their taste intensifies as they ripen.
Light: Fig trees prefer full sun exposure and require at least 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight each day for optimal fruit production.
Watering: Prefer well-draining soil. They can tolerate some drought but appreciate consistent moisture during the growing season.
Height: Fig trees vary in size, but they typically range from 3 to 9 meters in height, depending on the variety and growing conditions. Some dwarf varieties can be smaller, while certain cultivated varieties can grow larger.
Temperature: Fig trees thrive in warm, Mediterranean-like climates, but they can be grown in a range of temperate and subtropical regions. They require a frost-free environment and do well in areas with hot, dry summers.
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